Obituary: Professor Vincenzo Carbone
3 March 2025
We are deeply saddened to announce the unexpected passing of Professor Vincenzo Carbone on 21 January 2025.
For many years, Professor Carbone was a dedicated editor of Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, particularly valued for his open-mindedness and rigorous approach. He held the position of Professor of Earth System, Planetary, Space, and Climate Physics at the Università della Calabria. Our journal benefited greatly from his extensive expertise in turbulence, particularly magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, with a specific focus on solar wind. His numerous research activities in the nonlinear geosciences encompassed a wide range of topics, including the scaling laws of seismic events, complex space–time trends in Earth’s surface temperature, tsunami propagation, and paleoclimatic variability.
In recognition of his innovative contributions to the nonlinear geosciences, Professor Carbone was awarded the EGU Lewis Fry Richardson Medal 2025 in November 2024. This award will be presented at the upcoming EGU General Assembly.